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In need of someone that shears sheep contact me at 402 two zero nine 7269
I need a a small, cheap office chair with adjustable height seat. Condition not important. In Superior. Call 402-879-3368. Leave message.
Looking for a small and large bench vise. I can restore as long as it is complete and functional. Have a great day!
ISO a kitten ready for its new home at the end of September/beginning of October
Looking for 10-100 acres depending on price. With either a house or the ability to put a house on and able to have some livestock. 308 643- ...
We are planning to move from Ainsworth to Ord very soon, and will need a two or three bedroom house. Please call 402-382-5373 and ask for Ru...
Southeast Community College Adult Education program is seeking volunteers for our Adult Basic Education (GED prep) and English as a Second L...
Looking for playgound/swingset/sandbox for grand daughter. Would also be interested in a wagon and outdoor riding toys .
The Super bowl is almost here, and I am looking to draft a winning host family for an all-star exchange student! Joel from Sweden is 16. He ...