A good host family in Lexington, Dawson County, Nebraska

In Search Of Lexington, Dawson County, Nebraska


The Super bowl is almost here, and I am looking to draft a winning host family for an all-star exchange student! Joel from Sweden is 16. He states, "I'm just your typical 16 year old high school student. I play games with my friends, hang out with them at times, and love going to the cinema when new movies comes out. Now days I am fairly focused on my studies. Right now we are renovating our newly bought house which is something that I actually rather enjoy even though I don't act like it. My personal interests are playing video games, going to the cinema, hanging out with my friends, playing soccer and floorball." 
Open your heart and home to an exciting new experience full of fun, learning, and love! It is through exchange that we give and receive gifts of kindness and understanding while building friendships around the world. PM or email [email protected] if you are interested in hosting or if you know another good family that might enjoy this wonderful adventure.

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Views 59
Listing id 214374
Post date January 30, 2019 12:03 PM
Result 0 votes
Dave Busch
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