Thanks! That's very helpful

HP Gaming\Multi-Tasking Desktop PC in Turtle Point, McKean County, Pennsylvania

Computers Eldred , Turtle Point, McKean County, Pennsylvania
60.00 $


HP Pavilion 7 customized a little bit
-The faceplate of the PC came off so I won't ask a lot for it, I used this PC for years, it works great for hard core gaming, video editing and any other multi-media needs with a 3rd/memory card reader. There is no screen as well.
Here are the specs-
* 8GB of Ram (memory)
*1 Terrabyte of Hard Drive space
*Direct X 11 onboard AMD video card *512vram but it handle a lot of games on highest settings.
*Windows 7 Ultimate Edition
*AMD Quad CORE processor 3.20ghX
Located near Eldred Pennsylvania
Like said, only fault is the front is gone. This don't effect anything with the PC, need to rid of it due to moving. Conact me for photos, info, or any specifics regarding the computer. 814 331 9566 call me at this number,

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Views 77
Listing id 39372
Post date July 6, 2017 12:40 PM
Last edit July 6, 2017 12:42 PM
Result 0 votes
Mack Kuhn
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