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Summer Fitness Challenge! in Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland

Health & Fitness Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland
29.00 $


I’m looking for 10 people that want to feel healthy, strong, and confident going into summer! I’m a certified trainer with a special 5 week challenge for 10 people!

⏩ No long-term commitment - just 5 weeks unlimited virtual workouts with certified trainers

⏩ Potential to earn an exclusive shirt when you 15 workouts in 5 weeks and 2 fit tests

⏩ Special personal dashboard to track your progress

⏩ You feel strong, confident, and healthy going into summer!

⏩ Direct accountability and training from me, NASM certified personal trainer

⏩ $39 when you sign up online OR get $10 off when you sign up here :

Let's get you signed up TODAY!


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Views 90
Listing id 266975
Post date April 5, 2021 1:57 PM
Last edit April 5, 2021 1:59 PM
Result 0 votes
Mara Burdick
0 votes

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