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Works great. Only used a few times. Outside has rub marks on it. Great for camping. Asking $50. New $175
Corked bottoms. No chips or cracks, except for one cork. In excellent shape. 1" x 2".
2 sets. 1 aluminum and 1 set metal $ 25.00 per set
Brown glass, stopper top, decorative pharmacy jars.
Geese and wreath pattern drinking glasses. Set contains: 4 - drinking glasses, 4- tumblers, 3 “Hot Toddy” mugs. No chips.
Grey finish. No chips.
Stoneware. Set contains: Utensil Holder, Butter Dish, Jam Jar, Gravy Boat with Plate.
Stoneware. Set contains, sugar bowl with lid, creamer, teapot, and 2 mugs.
Large stoneware soup tureen with ladle.