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Fender Acoustic-Electric Guitar in excellent condition!! Just tryn to downgrade.
Used black and white FirstAct electric guitar. In good condition but a little dusty.
For Piano and Organ. Very nice condition, little use. some of these are $15-50 each on Ebay and Amazon Asking $10 each 12 song books total. ...
Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature 120W Tube Guitar Amp Head
Casio organ WK 210. Awesome keyboard sound, 180 rhythm sounds,, 578 tone sounds. All guides, charts, and instructions, plus song books. Stan...
76 key Casio organ. Like new, never used. Awesome keyboard sound,180 rhythm sounds, 578 tone sounds. All guides, charts, and instructions, p...
Marshall Valvestate Technology Amplifier Bichorus 200. 100 watts. 4 ohms per channel 80w 8 ohms per channel. Made in Britain, in perfect ope...