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Riding mower was fixed up to look like a racing mower, but it has new ignition parts and will turn over. it will not run as it needs a carbu...
22 Horsepower 42-Inch Tractor Model #96042019480 Purchased Sept. 2016 but has not been used in past ...
Have 1 pair of Sketchers Steel Toe boots size 7 & a pair of Sketchers Steel Toe Sneakers size 8....
Firewood,$50.00 a rick you will get more than a rick with each load.615-633-3952
Wanted to buy, old jukeboxes any condition, working or not. Any related items. 847 571 4554. Terry
I'm moving and selling almost everything in my house. Bedroom and living room furniture. Tvs. Two fu...
Private Sale by individual of 3 grave plots and 3 vaults which are already inside the grave plots. T...
Since 1985 Serving Knox and Sevier County and surrounding areas Piano Tunings, repairs, valuations $...
Standing timber, White/Red Oak and Hickory some veneer . 20+ 10' logs . Inquiring for free estimates...