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LG steam washer and dryer. Both are in perfect working condition, but we have no gas hookup in our l...
Large capacity GE microwave. Model # JES2051DN2BB 20"x24"x13.5" exterior; 17"x16.5"x9.75" interior (...
Norge 15.2 cubic ft upright freezer. Used for extra food storage, no longer needed. Runs/freezes goo...
2 fridge/freezer for sale for $40 each or both for $70. The small black one is the newest and the wh...
Side by side fridge freezer 9193029717
Slide in stove with oven. Works great. Best offer Email. [email protected] Text. 910-289-6...
Elmira Oval 1985 Very good condition,, with extra grates and hot water Jacket.
Kenmore Side-by-Side Refrigerator Year: 2008 Model: 106.59422800 Capacity: approximately 25 cubic fe...
Kenmore Electric Range Year: 2008 Oven capacity: 5.8 cubic feet Two oven racks Self cleaning oven Ov...