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Carved wooden eagle. 34” tall. Wing span of 40” and depth of 24”. Very detailed. Has the name Giorgio carved on the base. Purchased from a s...
Dog house and 8X12 fenced dog kennel. $125 or BO. Call 651.233.8798
26254 Hideaway Road, Lanesboro, MN (Old Reese Sawmill Location) 4 Miles East of Fountain on County Road 8 or 4 miles west of Lanesboro on Co...
Looking for 15 homes in Dunn County and surrounding area wanting to explore solar and how it could benefit your home, your future generation...
Looking for 15 homes in the Racine County and surrounding area wanting to explore solar and how it could benefit your home, your future gene...
Looking for 15 homes in the Dakota County area to showcase the latest solar technology as a ground mounted system or on the rooftop. Each qu...
Looking for 15 homes in the the Winona County area to showcase the latest solar technology as a ground mounted system or on the rooftop. Eac...
For sale farm fresh PORK and BEEF 1/2 or Whole. Also HAMBURGER by the pound. If interested call 218-927-6953