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Lots of free great moving boxes! Call 515-231-0128 Ames
This is a brand new rug, never been used. The colors are brighter than we wanted. Would be great for a kid's room or for anyone who likes br...
24 tiny lavender starts to grow inside over the winter and transplant into your garden in the spring. The leaves are very fragrant. These pl...
One hibiscus, one Norfolk Pine, 9 dracaena plants. All are indoor plants. They will not survive outside under 50 degrees and need to share y...
Posting for my brother. Buggy in good shape has been in barn. Quarter horse harness. Draft horse harness. And extras to go with buggy. Can t...
55 gal. metal barrels (burning barrels, top cut out). Call Brent, 641-814-2562.
American Fostoria Crystal goblets. $3.00 each or 12 for $25. Perfect condition. PM