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Solid wood swivel top table 24"W X 22"D X 27"T
Table and four chairs
Bassett solid wood dining room set - Made in USA
This is a Maxi Cosi rocker. It also has a kickstand to make it stationary if you don’t want it to rock. It also folds completely flat for st...
This is a Chicco Keyfit 360 Carseat & Stroller, with 2 bases for the carseat and all the accessories (upholstery padding/covers) that it...
Brown leather loveseat and ottoman In great condition
Three Porcelain Dolls: One w/Brunette Hair. Eyelids are Movable Dress w/Green and Brown Flowers. Green Velvet and Lace Trim. Matching Bonnet...
Three Frames: One Large Yellow with Gold Trim. Frame is 8×10. Picture Window 5x7. Excellent Condition. One Pink Terra Cotta Frame. Floral De...
Several Items For Sale: Tea Pot and Cup Set: White w/Pink Flowers/Gold Trim. Excellent Condition Oriental Ceramic Basket: Red, Blue, Green w...