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Brown great condition
This is a solid wood, hand painted pink & white desk for sale.
Formal double pedestal dining room table. 8 chairs . 1 chair is an armchair. Ball and claw style. Cloth seats. It is a 100th anniversary tab...
Great starter set "WOOD" table with 4 chairs good condition. Table is 4' long and 3 ' wide
Beautiful large 6'7" long and 3' wide concrete table has 5 large supporting matching pillars. Created in the 1940's.
Twin size Day Bed for sale. Hardly used, great condition You pick up Serious inquiries only 937-477-0516
Nice Hackberry wood corner cabinet that matches the china cabinet I have advertised.
2 comfortable bar stools in excellent condition
China cabinet of Hackberry wood made by Caldwell Chair Company. Excellent condition and goes well with the dining set that I have advertised...