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5-drawer desk in very good condition. The brass maple-leaf drawer handles, alone, are worth more tha...
This is a 9'11" x 14' area rug I've had since January, bought new. It's too big for the place I'm mo...
Sale at 22019 South Cohoe Loop Friday & Saturday 9 am til 8 pm 3 families Lots of FREE stuff Fur...
Want to buy !!!! A 3 drawer teak file cabinet just like this one. It was bought at Scan Home about 1...
We have 2 Incinolets: "Model Carefree" Deluxe Systems models. Selling because we have rarely used th...
32" wide. Made from 3/8" steel. $800 to $1000.00. call Steve at 907-953-9479 if interested.
Hello- here until mid July or so- looking for a room to rent or a house sitting situation -know tons...
Fender amplifier and equipment