Historic Ranch Style Home at 1113 Colony Avenue in Kinsley, Kansas in Kansas

Real Estate Northcentral, Kansas
70000.00 $


This Mid-Century Modern (MCM) home is located at 1113 Colony Ave. in Kinsley, Kansas is an opportunity to purchase a town-country home. This historic home was built in 1960 by a prominent clothing store owner and enjoyed by their family for many years. It is a sturdy cement block construction with large over hanging eves on all sides of the home. This was one of the show homes in Kinsley during the 1960’s and beyond!

This 2 bedroom (it could easily be converted back to the original 3 bedrooms), 1 and 3/4 bath residence is a perfect single level home for retirement enjoyment. It was built in 1960 and has been very well maintained. It has recently become available and all you will have to do is fine tune it to make it yours. The home sits on a spacious west facing lot that measures 100’ x 140'. The home is shaded by mature trees and includes shrubs that have been lovingly planted over the years. There is space for a garden site, so it can even be a self-sustaining homestead. In addition to the 1620 square foot home –there is an attached oversized two car garage.

The exterior of the home is well maintained and has nearly all new windows. In the fenced back yard there are 2 very large stacks of firewood. You will not have to cut or buy any firewood for quite some time. There is a 10' x 12' storage building that will come in handy to keep all of your lawn and garden equipment.

This country home would be a great place for a “back to the earth” self-sustaining homestead. The property would also make a great hunting lodge, family retreat or vacation home.

This property would make a very nice home to raise a family or for seniors wishing to retire in a very friendly, safe community.

The home is serviced by city water and sewer. There is electrical service and natural gas for the newer high efficiency central heating and air conditioning system and water heater. High speed Internet service and cell phone service are available from several providers.

The location of the home is also within walking distance of the local Kinsley Offerle Jr/ High School. Go Coyotes!

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Listing id 42290
Post date August 2, 2017 12:09 PM
Result 0 votes
Dave Rose
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