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OHERO Inshore Slam Platinum Series with a PENN Pursuit II 8000 in Foley, Baldwin, Alabama

Sporting Goods Lower Baldwin County, Foley, Baldwin, Alabama
195.00 $


I am selling my OHERO Inshore Slam Platinum Series fishing rod with a PENN Pursuit II 8000 Spinning reel.

8'0" Power XH with Action X-Fast
Line WT. 15-40 LB Lure WT. 3/4-3 OZ

This is a really nice setup. You can catch small bait fish and/or good size sharks.
This is one of the best rod and reel setup that I ever owned.

The only reason I'm selling them is because I do not like the cork handle.

I paid $150.00 for the rod this past fall.
I paid $ 70.00 for the reel this past fall.

I'm asking $195.00 or best offer.

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Listing id 6697
Post date May 31, 2015 7:28 PM
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