Thanks! That's very helpful

Antique Dining Room/Kitchen Hutch in Oxford, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Furniture Oxford, Chester County, Pennsylvania
90.00 $


This is a custom antique china cabinet - hutch that was made from the remains of a chicken coop sometime in the early 1900's. I'm not sure what "style" you would call this but it does have character. We inherited it from our neighbors who, in turn, inherited it from their grandmother in Maine. The unit measures 45" W x 23.75" Deep. The total height is 78.75". Local pickup only from 19363 area or buyer arranged freight pickup. Text at 610-836-2434 with any questions or if you want additional photos - Sorry for the rotated photos - the application kept forcing them on their side. Thanks for looking

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Views 118
Listing id 59296
Post date May 27, 2018 10:09 AM
Last edit May 27, 2018 10:48 AM
Result 0 votes
Mike Wiwel
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