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Shop full of stuff in UNION, Neshoba County, Mississippi

Miscellaneous Union, UNION, Neshoba County, Mississippi


I have a shop full of all sorts, ranging from sewing stuff and quilting stuff, craft's stuff of all sorts including uncut material ranging in color and theme. There are clothes of all sorts from babies to adults M/F. Assortment of books and toys of all kinds.Firing Kindle and molds in the 1,000s. There is also a loft full of stuff I have not gone through... So if you do crafts quilting or have a flea market this would be ideal for you... come and see, I'm wanting everything gone, and I'll help you load it, it's easily 2 trucks full of stuff.. I'm willing to sell everything for 1500$. If your interested in just the firing kinel and molds of all seasons and various animals, separately I'm asking 1000$, obo. If seriously interested please contact me at 601)781-5384 I also have lots of pictures I can send u but can't download to this site for sum reason.

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Listing id 50278
Post date November 6, 2017 7:09 PM
Result 0 votes
Nicole Patterson
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