Thanks! That's very helpful

TI-89 Titanium Graphing Calculator in Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky

Electronics Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky
100.00 $


It's in great condition and a necessity for advanced math classes. Brand new it retails for $130. It features advanced functionality and 3-D graphing that makes problem-solving for advanced mathematics (diff equations, linear alegbra, Calculus I,II, III, etc) and engineering courses easier. It has a built-in computer algebra system which allows you to explore and manipulate mathematical expressions in their symbolic form.

I checked with the TI-89 website, and it has the most current software operating system available.

App's Include:
- Cabri Geometry
- Calculus Tools, great for Fourier series, vector analysis, series and sequences, etc..
- CellSheet , create formulas, build functions, import/export info from Excel
- EEPro, electrical engineering with more than 700 built in equations
- Finance, Time-value-of-money (TVM) formula, uneven cash flows, amortization schedules
- Geometer's Sketchpad, you can construct, create and transform mathematical models and geometric diagrams
- MEPro, for use in Mechanical Engineering classes, over 700 equations
- NoteFolio, let's you take notes in class.
- Organizer, can manage class schedules, create to-do lists, save email addresses, phone numbers, calendar
- Polynomial Root Finder
- Simultaneous Equation Solver
- Statistics with List Editor, (If you want, you can go to the TI-89 website and purchase and download to this calculator the advanced version, Statistics and Probability App).
- Study Cards, allows you to create flash cards to help you study.
- Symbolic Math Guide, this is an excellent tutorial that provides step-by-step transformation for a number of problems from algebra, pre-calc and calculus classes.

I have the USB Cord, but don't have the additional power cord. Honestly, in all my years of using it, I never needed it. Most times I was places where plugging it in wasn't an option. (I have literally done homework in a hunting blind or on a fishing boat!).

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Listing id 42028
Post date July 31, 2017 9:34 AM
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Cara Peterman
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