Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful

Yard-Z in Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania

Miscellaneous Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania
25.00 $


If anyone would be interested in a set PLEASE Message me! I have 10 sets AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW! I will also take ORDERS and as soon as I finish your set I will message you to set up a day to meet! Its $25 a set! You get a bucket to store the Dice in, 5 dice and 5 sheets of scorecards! I ONLY MEET in WILLIAMSPORT!

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Views 70
Listing id 40838
Post date July 20, 2017 12:18 PM
Result 0 votes
Jennifer Prettyleaf
0 votes

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