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Purple Glass decor items, lot of 9 pieces in Sebring, Florida

Household Sebring, Florida
100.00 $


This is a lot of 9 pieces. Short ruffle-topped vase, 5 1/2" tall. Tall ruffle-topped vase, 10 1/2" high. Votive candle holder, 3" tall. Candle stick, 8 1/2" tall. Pitcher, 5" tall. Tall vase, 11" high. Swirl vase is 8" high; it is 4" at the bottom and opens up to 6" at the top. There are 2 triangle ash trays, 7".

Excellent vintage condition.

Offers will be considered.

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Listing id 39458
Post date July 7, 2017 10:37 AM
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