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Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful

ISO HELP WANTED in McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas

Miscellaneous McPherson, McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas
123.00 $


CBM Managed Services is currently taking applications for a PT Cook/Supervisor at the McPherson County Jail in McPherson, KS. Applicant will manage a small team of inmate/porter staff to provide the daily foodservice needs for the facility. Applicant must pass a background check provided by the McPherson Co. Sheriff Department. Position requires weekend availability. Dental/Vision benefits available. Pay rate starts at $10.00/hr. Contact Martha at (620)326-3337 for application information. Send resume' to: [email protected].

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Views 146
Listing id 37122
Post date June 9, 2017 11:45 AM
Result 0 votes
Martha Baucom
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