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Antique Homesteader's Solid Oak Wagon Wheel with Metal Hub in Sebring, Highlands County, Florida

Other Sebring, Highlands County, Florida
100.00 $


This original Montana Homesteader's Wagon Wheel came from a family whose descendants were from Sweden and went west by wagon and settled in northern Montana in the late 1800's. The original wood was weather-worn so the interior oak wheel and spokes have been rebuilt by a Vermont craftsman. All spokes and oak wheel are hand-hewed. The steel encased wheel measures 48" in diameter and has 14 spokes. The steel rim measures 3" wide and the steel hub with original wooden interior and steel axle opening measures 7" in diameter and axle opening measures 3" in diameter. Wheel weighs over 120 lbs. Would make a beautiful chandelier or table. Planned on making either a chandelier or a large coffee table but must sell due to divorce. Paid $250 to have rebuilt. Own a piece of the west and United States history!

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Views 80
Listing id 36769
Post date June 5, 2017 11:24 PM
Last edit June 5, 2017 11:27 PM
Result 0 votes
Laurie Jane Volz
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