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Outdoor Table & Benches in Franklin, Williamson County, Tennessee

Furniture Downtown, Franklin, Williamson County, Tennessee
500.00 $


Rectangular Faux Cement Palmera Outdoor Dining Table and Two Benches. Purchased from World Market in March of 2020 for ($1700.) Still available for sale on their site. 84" Cover included ($150 originally.) Price is not negotiable. Selling due to move. This set is very sturdy and heavy. Must be able to come pick up and load yourself. There is a hole in the table for an umbrella.

Overall: 80.6"L x 39.5"W x 30"H, 150 lbs.
Floor to apron: 28"H
Between legs on end: 25.5"W
Between legs on side: 54"W

Overall: 80.6"W x 15.75"D x 18"H
Leg height: 15.5"H

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Views 4390
Listing id 276132
Post date January 12, 2022 2:43 PM
Last edit January 24, 2022 10:40 AM
Result 0 votes
Gina Farmer
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