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Fundraiser in Philadelphia, Neshoba County, Mississippi

Miscellaneous Philadelphia, Neshoba County, Mississippi
10.00 $


My mother, Sister & I will be having a fundraiser this weekend on Friday & Saturday starting @ 11- until??. Location 370 Jericho St. Philadelphia Ms. My stepfather is very ill @ the moment & he’s housed @ St.Dominics. The money raised will go to my mother. She drives to & from Jackson daily her, & my sister and it’s very costly. My mother is on a fixed income. So please come out and support us on Friday and Saturday. Friday we will have fish, baked beans, potato salad & drinks. Saturday she will fry any fish that’s left over, But Saturday menu consists of fried/ baked chicken, green beans ,homemade macaroni and cheese, rolls & a drink. Plates are $10 and any donations will be greatly appreciated. Please continue to pray for my stepfather. SHARE THIS PLEASE

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Listing id 273197
Post date September 11, 2021 3:23 AM
Result 0 votes
Teresa Triplett
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