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Yard sale in Norton County, Kansas

Miscellaneous Norton, Norton County, Kansas
0.25 $


Fri Sept. 10,sat 11 from 9:00am till 4: pm in Norton KS at 15425 Armory Dr (1 block n of west st and armory on gravel road). Selling lots of new jewelry starting .25 ,Elvis new albums, antiques, Precious Moments figurines new in boxes, American harvest dehydrator with trays, Presto pressure cooker, Food processor with attachments, floor lamp, towel racks, fold up stool, wooden bench with storage, gliding bench, large patio table, canning jars, potato bin, lighted outdoor nativity set arranging from 20in high, 2nd amendment items, auto mechanics diagnostic equipment, air compressor, ladders, 6 ft conference table, lots of house hold items, tools and more. Follow orange signs.

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Views 157
Listing id 273107
Post date September 8, 2021 10:43 AM
Result 0 votes
Anne Canaday
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