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ESTATE SALE!! in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska

Garage Sales Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska


ESTATE SALE!! 60 years of accumulated items, including furniture, vintage toys and games, Husker items, model car kits, vintage clothing, hand and power tools, tool chests, lawn and garden tools and supplies. Kitchenware of all kinds, including cookware, Corning ware, small appliances. Books, vintage record albums and 45s. Folding ping pong table, cabinet grand piano, table saw, scroll saw, drill press, drafting table. Lionel train cars and components. Friday August 20, 9 am to 8 pm; Saturday August 21, 9 am to 6ish pm.

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Views 454
Listing id 272383
Post date August 19, 2021 11:49 AM
Garage Sale Date August 20, 2021
Garage Sale End Date August 21, 2021
Result 0 votes
Shari Aldrich
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