Thanks! That's very helpful

Host Family for Exchange student in Rowlett, Rockwall, Texas

In Search Of Garland High School Area, Rowlett, Rockwall, Texas


World Heritage is in search of a new host family for a young from Italy until June. Tikida is a vegetarian, but is willing to help prepare her own meals. Tikida enjoys photography, reading, swimming, and like every teenager, hanging out with friends. Tikida is currently located in Rowlett, TX (near Dallas) Can you please open your home and heart to Tikida? A host family is required to provide 3 meals a day ad a bed for the student to sleep in. They can share a room with another student of the same sex and within 4 years in age. Tikida has her own spending money and health insurance. If you would like more info please call Natasha Wofford at 979-540-8498

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Views 73
Listing id 26317
Post date February 1, 2016 4:51 PM
Last edit February 1, 2016 4:53 PM
Result 0 votes
Natasha Wofford
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