Thanks! That's very helpful

Old TV in Hartsville, Darlington, South Carolina

TVs Hartsville, Hartsville, Darlington, South Carolina
5.00 $


I won't lie, this is old. I've upgraded, and I don't need it anymore. So it is taking up space, and I need my space.

It is a Magnavox and yes, it does work. It has the jack on the back for a cable line. It is 19". Buyer must pick up from my home on N. First St. in Hartsville, but I will help load it in your car if you need help.

Phone: 843-639-3505.

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Views 62
Listing id 26268
Post date February 1, 2016 10:45 AM
Last edit February 1, 2016 10:49 AM
Result 0 votes
Vincent Eagan
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