USB Piano Keyboard & Software in West Bend, Washington County, Wisconsin

Electronics West Bend, West Bend, Washington County, Wisconsin
35.00 $


MasterKey 49 USB MIDI Controller Keyboard (originally $109)

An easy-to-use piano keyboard that turns your computer (Mac or PC) into a music learning station! Includes 6ft USB cable, Manual/User Guide.

Children's Music Journey CD-ROM disks, volumes 1-3 (originally $180)

The award-winning Children's Music Journey 3-Volume Series features 18 of the greatest composers/performers of all time who expertly teach children about their lives, works and how to read music, play piano with both hands, compose and improvise. Beautifully animated, Children's Music Journey incorporates a "teach, practice, apply" methodology and ensures kids have fun learning by taking part in engaging lessons, activities and games. In the home or classroom, children as young as four can learn piano, guaranteed! Ages 4 - 10. MIDI keyboard required for use with computer.

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Listing id 259350
Post date August 11, 2020 7:44 AM
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Katie Talbot
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