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Franciscan Apple Pattern Dishes in Oil City, Venango County, Pennsylvania

Household Oil City, Oil City, Venango County, Pennsylvania


Applefest may have been canceled for 2020 but that doesn't mean you can't celebrate! Full place settings with all serving pieces or at least 12 persons. Some multiple serving pieces. All bowls plates of all descriptions available too. Would prefer to sell by the place setting however can make other arrangements. Accessories and serving pieces sold individually. Some hard to find items such as covered terrain dishes, baby feeding dishes, cigarette box, Jam Jar with lid all available. Serious inquiries only please. I am not a dealer but will also sell to dealers. 814-657-0230

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Views 88
Listing id 259162
Post date August 7, 2020 11:39 AM
Result 0 votes
Pat Lamb Knight
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