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Side of Homegrown Hereford Beef in Fargo, Woodward, Oklahoma

Health & Fitness Fargo, Woodward, Oklahoma
1975.00 $


I have a side of home-raised, natural fed and hormone free Hereford beef for sale, ready to go next week. It is hamburger and roast, no steak. Came from a good sassy cow, so there should be some good fat on it, but not an overabundance. Asking $3.50 / lb, carcass dressed at 565 lb. WILLING TO SELL AS A QUARTER OR SIDE. Cost for side is $1,975, Cost for quarter is $990. This will last you a long time, is good quality, and you know where it's coming from! Will deliver to the area.

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Listing id 25518
Post date January 22, 2016 12:54 PM
Result 0 votes
Melissa Fleming
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