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Dining Room suite for sale in New Brighton, Beaver County, Pennsylvania

Furniture New Brighton, Beaver County, Pennsylvania
500.00 $


Have a Dining room suite for sell that is in EXCELLENT condition. Cherry wood and finish. Dining table is 6 ft with a sleeve to extend out another 2 feet. The china hutch off to the left has a glass top to store your fine china and 3 cupboards on the bottom and 2 drawers. Dry sink on the right has storage on the bottom. The quality of the furniture is great and all pieces are very heavy. Been very well taken care of. You can not purchase this dining room suite for less than probably 3000 now. If interested let me know. Can be shown Monday thru Friday after 4:30pm. Weekends open all day. Can not deliver so you will need help. You will not be disappointed. Firm on the price. Serious inquires only

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Views 55
Listing id 252378
Post date March 1, 2020 3:27 PM
Result 0 votes
Scott Moore
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