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Budweiser Hanging Light/Billiards in Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri

Household State Park, Troy, Lincoln County, Missouri


Very hard to find model of this Budweiser collectors edition hanging light. A similar model was produced by the thousands with a single cross member. This model was produced with the additional, decorative chrome cross sections to add as accents to the black finish of the main structure and shades. Also matching the hanging chains and the wiring mount. This is definitely a great Xmas for the avid collector of Anheuser Busch memorabilia, or your guys "man cave", or simply to, tastefully accentuate your billiards room and table, with it's modern design and perfectly projected lighting from it three, large, conical shades, emblazoned with the iconic Budweiser logo! With it's sturdy design, made of 100% alloy metals, electroplated chrome, and heat tempered, powder coating finish, and U.L. rated electrical components, this light will last for generation to come.

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Listing id 246988
Post date October 23, 2019 2:46 PM
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Jeff McBride
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