Thanks! That's very helpful

Pallet coffee tables an more in Tyler, Smith County, Texas

Furniture Tyler, Tyler, Smith County, Texas
1.00 $


Handmade tables an other items made from pallets with original stamping from maker. My furniture is all hand made 100% pallet wood an one of kind never find another like them an the prices are cheap an flexible to meet your bugdet its not all about price it about see something you like want and can afford or if you have your own idea an want me to build for you or need pictures of other designs an items,: So please call 903-216-1349 or 903-372-3616 ask for Tracy

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Views 73
Listing id 246081
Post date October 4, 2019 12:43 PM
Last edit October 4, 2019 12:47 PM
Result 0 votes
Tracy Benjamin
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