Big Moving Sale with good quality furniture including bookshelf, study table, coffee table, and tata in Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington

Furniture South Hill Apartment, Bellingham, Whatcom County, Washington


Hi, thank you for reading this. I have some very good quality furniture I would like to sell here because I am moving out from Bellingham.

These furniture includes:

1. Ikea Bookshelves (I got with $250, now ask for $30 in a very good quality. But you need to come and pick it up)
2. Study table (I got with $80, now ask for $20 in a very good condition)
3. Tatami bed (I got with $300, now ask $50 which include a Tatami bed and bed frame. If you want the second tatami bed, I only ask for another $30.)
4. Coffee table in a solid wood. Ask for $20.
5. Cookwares include Juicer, bread maker, soy milk maker, and blender all in good deal.

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Views 371
Listing id 239269
Post date May 28, 2019 10:55 PM
Last edit May 28, 2019 11:02 PM
Result 0 votes
Claudia Wang
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