Thanks! That's very helpful

Permit to Carry Class in Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa

Community Events Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa


Iowa Carry Permit Class - Thursday, March 28th at 7pm at the Pizza Ranch in Emmetsburg.
We teach a relaxed 2 hour class, with a focus on law, this class will give you answers to all your questions. Topics include things such as prohibited places, use of force, traveling armed, interacting with law enforcement etc. This class will allow you to get your permit to carry valid in 34 states.

Our students are customers for life, you get our personal cell numbers so if you have questions later, the answer is only a phone call away. We are NRA and USCCA certified with over 15 years experience in law enforcement.

No testing. No pre-registration needed, just show up. Cost is $60 cash only.

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Views 104
Listing id 233985
Post date March 15, 2019 9:21 PM
Result 0 votes
Aaron Kelly
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