Thanks! That's very helpful

Rental- First Month $500.00 for Military 7 miles to MCAS in Lobeco, Beaufort, South Carolina

Real Estate Lobeco, Beaufort, South Carolina
830.00 $


Quiet rental on 1 acre 7 miles to MCAS
3Bed, 2 full Bath D.W. on a beautiful country 1 Ac. setting. Some pets are allowed with pet fee. This home is in a wonderful neighborhood!! It is located in the town of Lobeco SC, only 7 miles to MCAS. It is about a half a mile from the P.O. Fire, Ambulance, Library and Trash disposal. Situated on a permanent foundation. This home has a parking slab and walk around side walk. There is a nice back porch great for barbecuing or just enjoying the fresh air and quiet surroundings. It has an open space floor plan with a large living room and kitchen combined dishwasher, washer and dryer room, master bedroom with a large master bathroom with garden tub and separate shower. This beautiful home is available soon for rent if you qualify. $830.00 a month and $850.00 security. I would prefer a phone call vs. email or PM. 845 750-9292 …Greg

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Views 74
Listing id 19508
Post date November 5, 2015 3:42 PM
Last edit November 6, 2015 12:58 PM
Result 0 votes
Greg Proz
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