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Southern Living at Home, Restoration Hardware & Pottery Barn Home decoration in Newberg, Yamhill, Oregon

Household Newberg, Yamhill, Oregon
45.00 $


Zira Square Throw Pillow features down insert & paisley print (looks ivory not yellow in real life) orig. $69
Throw pillow measures 24" x 24"
SLAH Astoria flatware caddy no longer available, $45
Pottery Barn floral pillow covers set of 2 $40
Pottery Barn green cream stripe great for outdoor bench $10
Set of 2 small lampshades gold and white modern pattern $15 (white lamp not included just shown as example)
Restoration Hardware silver curved candle set $15 set
Pottery Barn salt and pepper cellars $8
Pottery Barn NIP chambray std. case $10
Can meet at Sherwood Target or Fred Meyer Newberg

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Views 114
Listing id 14861
Post date September 6, 2015 7:11 PM
Last edit September 6, 2015 7:24 PM
Result 0 votes
Suzy Keidel
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