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Conneaut, OH house for sale in Conneaut, Ohio, Ashtabula, Ohio

Real Estate Conneaut, Ohio, Conneaut, Ohio, Ashtabula, Ohio
98900.00 $


Conneaut, Ohio house for sale by owner. 2 1/2 story 3bd/2ba, 2,200 sq. ft.with full basement on 1.3 cleared and wooded acres within city limits. Total of 8 lots. Heat-gas and wood burning stove, city water and sewer. Two out buildings, fruit trees, raspberry and blackberry bushes, strawberry patch, large area for gardening, flower beds, and fire pit. Within walking distance to city park, shopping, and library. Lake Erie Township Park and beach within 1 mile. Great lake and stream boating and fishing available.~$98,900~For a private showing email [email protected] or call 440-593-2182. You may watch a virtual tour on You Tube at joyinthemorning4u.

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Listing id 8519
Post date June 25, 2015 4:08 PM
Result 0 votes
Lori Todd
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