Thanks! That's very helpful

moving out of state need it gone in Saint Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida

Household Northeast, Saint Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida


I have a king size bedroom set, purchased from rooms to go a little less than 2yrs ago, in great condition, paid over 2k for it. Set includes, bedframe, headboard, dresser and mirror. I do have mattress and box spring if needed, can not deliver must be able to pick up, and I am firm on price $650. I also have various other items. Stainless steel grill, with side burner includes propane tank that is still 1/2 way full..$50..also have a couch and love seat that has some wear and tear to it, $150 for both. Have a coffee table, 2 lamps that also go with couch and loveseat ...$200 for all of it. please, serious inquiries only. call or text 727-278-3185 Thank you

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Listing id 6987
Post date June 4, 2015 12:52 PM
Last edit June 4, 2015 1:00 PM
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