Thanks! That's very helpful

Dog for sale in Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan

Miscellaneous Within The City Limits, Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan
100.00 $


I need a new home for my dog due to medical problems and always being out of town now. He is an American Bull dog, 95 lbs. He can sit, shake, has all shots up to date, 3 years old, neutered, needs a place to run as in a fenced in yard. Does not mix with cats or rabbits!! Eats 2 cups of food in the AM and 2 cups in the evening. Loves peanut butter in his favorite toy!! I can be reached at home, 734-682-3891 or cell, 734-639-0119. And YES he is house broken!! He has been an inside dog. An apartment without a place to run and play is a NO GO!!!! Thank you!!!! Please share if you may know of a good loving home. He has never been around children.

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Views 175
Listing id 59210
Post date May 25, 2018 5:14 PM
Last edit May 25, 2018 7:44 PM
Result 0 votes
Samuel Breitner
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