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Arabesque by Stephany Neman original signature autographed poetry in Madison, Lake County, Ohio

Other Madison, Lake County, Ohio
3.00 $


Here we have today a signed and autographed copy of an author from Lakewood, Ohio. Arabesque is a book of poetry by a person who was raised in the Arabic culture

"Arabesque, her first published book, was written, Mrs. Neman states, "to bring out the beauty of the soul and bring a sense of values to the reader."

The copyright is 1973 and because there are no other dates and she states that this is her first published book, this appears to be a first edition.

This book will also have special interest to collectors of Cleveland memorabilia as she operated an antique shop in Lakewood, Ohio. For those familiar with Cleveland, Lakewood is right next to Cleveland"s West Side which begins at W.117th Street.

Of special interest to those interested in Arabic modern literature..

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Post date March 29, 2018 12:58 PM
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