Thanks! That's very helpful

5-in-1 Carseat/Stroller in Alameda, Alameda, California

Baby Items Alameda, Alameda, Alameda, California
90.00 $


*5 in 1 Carseat/Stroller. Super convenient, lightweight, and easily convertible from carseat to stroller. Great for traveling! Comes with sun shade that is removeable.

*Seat/stroller is in great condition. There are no tears or stains on the seat or sun shade fabric.

This system can be used as follows:
*Rear facing carseat
*Forward facing carseat
*Booster Seat
*Full functional stroller
*FAA Certified flight seat for airline travel

(Triple Play Products - mfr.)

Please contact if there are questions.

Thank you!

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Views 83
Listing id 4541
Post date April 19, 2015 6:35 PM
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Kris Hoskins
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