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DECREASE Greco Stroller, Car Seat, Two Car Seat Bases and Rocker Frame - $200 in Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois

Baby Items Palisaides Subdivision, Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois
200.00 $


This terrific gender-neutral set, that includes:
A safe Greco Stroller with hood, safety harnesses, braking system and removable tray.
The compatible Greco Car Seat with hood and safety harnesses.
2 compatible Greco Car Seat bases; one for mom and one for dad (or whomever) with clips and harnesses.
A compatible Greco Car Seat Rocker Frame; put car seat in rocker frame if baby falls asleep in the car or if baby needs soothing. The rocker has speed settings and my daughter loved it when she was a baby.

All of the above Greco set is easy to clean and compatible. This is almost $480 of gear when purchased new and this system has been well maintained and still works great.

I'm also throwing in a very sturdy and safe baby swing my daugher also loved. We hung from a tree in the backyard.

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Listing id 37680
Post date June 14, 2017 1:46 PM
Result 0 votes
Chris Smith
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