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Desk in Norton Shores, Muskegon County, Michigan

Furniture Norton Shores, Norton Shores, Muskegon County, Michigan
35.00 $


Best suited for placement in a corner, this desk has a height-adjustable base for various sized computer monitors. There is a retractable keyboard and mouse base, and 5 storage areas. Interesting note of trivia: It is the same model desk that appears in a scene of the movie "Sydney White." Assembled, there are no visible flaws, and the unit is sturdy and fully functional. However, moving the unit is a very difficult without disassembly, which is why we listed it as fair condition. Re-assembly will require care and some basic "handy-skills."

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Views 95
Listing id 270095
Post date June 25, 2021 8:12 PM
Result 0 votes
Jim Rausch
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