Thanks! That's very helpful

camper ...2011 Keystone Springdale Summerland 2600TB in Orwell, Ashtabula County, Ohio

RVs/Campers Orwell, Ashtabula County, Ohio


2011, plenty of storage, 28 foot, propane stove/oven & range hood, refrigerator/freezer, furnace & hot water tank, kitchen sink, microwave, bathroom/shower, kitchen table with bench seats. 4 beds (1 queen, 1 full, 2 single)..couch (that folds down into one of the single beds), Air conditioning, wall TV mount, rooftop antenna and stereo. MSRP $16,540, current value $9,998, asking $6,000 OBO.

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Listing id 247865
Post date November 10, 2019 10:34 PM
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