Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful

Hard worker in Andrews, Texas

In Search Of Andrews, Texas
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My name is Derrick Barnes. I just moved to Andrews and have put in applications around town. I have experience in oilfield, and Welding. I don't have a vehicle, I can walk to any job, I am needing to find a place to live, me and my wife have been staying with my dad. If any one knows of any kind of job please contact me at 432-223-2073. Thank you.

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Views 83
Listing id 24088
Post date January 4, 2016 11:10 AM
Result 0 votes
Badleroy Brown
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