Thanks! That's very helpful

For Lease - Commercial Building on U.S. 23 3,600sq.ft. + 820sq.ft. Garage in Pikeville, Pike, Kentucky

Real Estate Pikeville, Pike, Kentucky
2200.00 $


- 3,600sq.ft. building and 820sq.ft. double-bay heated garage
- 30,000 car traffic daily
- Includes security system with motion detectors
- On U.S. 23 in the Pikeville city limits
- Remodeled in 2008
- Layout is very open and spacious to suit a variety of businesses including retail, services, office space, etc
- Parking in front and behind the building (approximately 10 spaces)

Located on U.S. 23 South near Food City.
Link for more information:

Please contact me for questions or interest in seeing the property
(606) 767-1475

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Listing id 23864
Post date January 2, 2016 12:10 AM
Result 0 votes
Dalton Stanley
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