Thanks! That's very helpful

Stolen Quad - Lebanon Township, NJ. please help - reward $$$ in Lebanon Township, Hunterdon, New Jersey

ATVs Lebanon Township, Hunterdon, New Jersey
Check with seller


Honda 300ex bored and all kinds of extra parts like pipes, tires, ect.

If anyone has seen the four wheeler, please let me know. This is my sons and spent his own hard worked money to buy and fix it up. It was stolen from my property at 6 Percy drive in Lebanon township from anywhere from Friday at 5pm to Sunday 11/29 at noon. It was someone that has been on the property before as there was no interference from my dog. I am offering a reward of $500 for anyone that has information to its whereabouts and names will be kept completely confidential. Also if anyone knows who took it I am offering 48 hours amnesty as we are checking video surveillance at gas stations nearby also the substation and private homes. The amnesty expires on December 1st at 5:00pm where full charges will be pressed along with a very vengeful and pissed off father! I ask that EVERYONE share this to help us track it down. Thanks for your help

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Views 173
Listing id 21385
Post date November 29, 2015 8:02 PM
Last edit November 29, 2015 8:38 PM
Result 0 votes
Marci Decker Snyder
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