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60' Flat Screen tv for sale in Lebanon, Wilson, Tennessee

TVs Lebanon, Lebanon, Wilson, Tennessee


I have a 60'LED HD Smart touch surround sound flat screen tv for sale..It is in excellent condition..The quality of the picture is so awesome you actually feel like you are at the movie theater..So clear,you feel like you are actually there..Only way i know how to describe the picture other than its awesomeness..The screen itself rotates from left to right..So if you are sitting on one side of the room and can only see very little of the screen but the side,no problem,simply get up and reposition the screen facing towards you..No need in moving the entire tv..No scratches and touch power on and off and tv settings on the screen itself..Tv remote also included..Quick settings on remote for netflix etc..Everything else you need to know or see for yourself you can see with the pictures ive included..Its hard for me to let go of this tv but i am in serious need for money so it needs to go fast! When purchased i spent 2600 and bought it from best buy..Ive had it three years..It has been well taken care of..What im asking or best offer gets it!!Thanks so much! My # (615)294-3155

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Views 126
Listing id 19661
Post date November 7, 2015 6:42 PM
Last edit November 7, 2015 6:49 PM
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Heather Pate
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